I'm not sure how much I've bitched about my room mate on this blog but I know in my head I bitch about her constantly. She drives me insane with the stupid stuff that she does. Yes, it's only LITTLE things but they really irk me because we are living in such close proximity to one another...
For example, she has taken over the rack on the back of the door which we are meant to SHARE to hang our towels to dry... so I hang my towel on the door knob of our wardrobe - she then manages to let my wet towel drop to the floor and doesn't pick it back up to hang it... so when I go to have my next shower after I get home from the gym, my towel is all wet!
She cuts her hair extensions (yes, she cuts her hair extensions, I couldn't figure this one out either...) and leaves the strands of hair on MY side of the room. So, I've taken to picking them up and hiding them under her doona because it really annoys me.
She throws her WET towel on MY bed which is just totally gross for reasons I don't think I even need to write. I chuck it back onto her side of the room. She has used my hairspray, without asking, so much that when I actually went to use it, it was empty! But I had no proof to back that up, for all I know I used the hair spray SO much that it would be empty... but, I can count the amount of times I have used that hair spray in the past 6 months on one hand so I doubt I used it all... She also uses my nail polish remover because when I first had it, it was almost full... now it's only half full... argh!
If she asked to borrow my stuff I wouldn't mind because at least I'd know she was using it and it's disrespectful to assume you can just use someone's things without asking.... if I didn't like her using my stuff I could always say no.
A few of my house mates had gotten annoyed because she dyes her hair (and the extensions so that they're all the same colour) in the bathroom and apparently cuts it in there too because one day the drain was all clogged and the bath was full of brown, matted hair. Gross! The shower curtain was covered with dye as well and she didn't wash it off... not to mention she left about 3-4 towels just lying on the bathroom floor which were there for DAYS because she didn't pick them up...
I could bitch about more (like how she leaves her straightner on the edge of my bed and I literally get it and throw it down the side of her bed so she can't find it for ages) but I will stop so I can tell you a hilarious story...
Kelly does not know how to use the washing machine (literally, she didn't know you had to buy washing powder, let alone how to turn it ON...) and has not washed her sheets in the entire two and a half months of living here... So, her bed, needless to say, is quite disgusting. There are crumbs ALL over it and she sleeps with her laptop at the end of her bed and with her hairbrush beside her and a book and lip stick and whatever else she can't be bothered putting away for the night..
So, I get a kick out of showing my friends the disgusting sheets because their reactions are priceless. I had Teegan and Trudy over for dinner and told them about the disgusting sheets that they just had to see... so up to my room they come and I lift the doona cover and they both gasp... Me, having seen the sheets before and witnessing this reaction before said "I know, how disgusting are they?" to which they replied "Um.. Simone, look at the sheets more closely" to which I did... To my horror, I found myself face-to-face with a massive vibrator which was laying amongst the two month old biscuit and toast crumbs, chap stick and vaseline.... TOTALLY DISGUSTING but we could not stop laughing for hours afterwards. Luckily she didn't come home that night because I don't know how I could have looked her in the eye without laughing. I still haven't seen her yet but I think I'll be able to contain myself...
The joys of roomshares... I can't figure out if she actually used it whilst I was in the room but I'm guessing I'd have known about it, although at times she did make loud breathing noises which I assumed was just her way of trying to get to sleep... but, maybe there was more to it.... Hmm.. not something I'm going to ponder...