Monday, May 14, 2007

Pirate Eye!

Firstly let me just start off by saying that when you're drunk, anything you don't remember didn't happen!

This weekend was huge... Saturday night I headed out with a few of the gang for a few drinks down at Belushis. We then ended up going back to Jade and Anthony's place for more drinks where I had two bottles of cheap and nasty wine to drink. From this point onwards I do not remember a thing! Seriously, I remember nothing!

Apparently we went to this party at someones house and Anthony told me the next morning that I had apparently tried to go to the toilet on someones bed - that was the rumour floating around anyway! I seriously don't believe that drunk or not that I would ever do that so I think someones messages got a little bit screwed up. Anthony had been told by one of the people who lived in the house that he had to take me home because apparently I was too drunk or something - as I said, I have no recollection at all!

We ended up back home after losing Anthony's precious stubby holder (seriously I don't get why he had to take it with him anyway so really it wasn't my fault that I lost it...) and woke up in the morning to discover that my hand bag was MISSING! Ev and Anthony searched high and low for my bag but it was gone so Anthony concluded that someone had stolen it. I tried to convince him to go back to the party house to see if it was there (because I couldn't go back due to shaming myself so bad the night before!) but he was passed out on the bed and couldn't move!

So, I canceled all my bank cards and then got a message from a guy who lives at the house that said they'd found my bag. Thank gosh for that but how annoying that I canceled my cards.

An eventful night and I probably cried a million tears for a million different reasons. Everyone was really supportive though, especially Jade and Anthony which made my night better :) I woke up in the morning and spoke to Dan who had already heard the story of my bed toilet shenanigans - word travels fast and I hate rumours about me, especially one like that! I did wake up to find that I had scored a white beanie, no idea who it came from but I probably picked it up unknowingly at the party. How did I get so drunk?? Least I didn't get good old Pirate Eyes.... ;)

I have since decided that I probably shouldn't drink so much next time but someone (I think it was Josh or maybe Chris) gave me some sound advice and told me that when you drink and don't remember it means it didn't really happen! I like it!


Anonymous said...

big night! sounds fun!

Unknown said...

Haha!! That's hilarious!! Must make sure all the bedroom doors are locked at the next party upon your return home!!