In Canada you must:Try real maple syrup (don't worry, I'll bring some home)Take a photo of a moose, beaver, elk, etcEat Elk!!!Use words like 'brutal', 'super', 'sketchy', 'perfect' and 'right on'Go to the RockiesTry Beef JerkyDrink a Caesar - which is tomato and clam juice with some alcohol (vodka?) in it! I have not yet tried one.SnowboardLose a tooth and spit like crazy
In Australia you must:
Eat fish and chips by the beach and feed lone chips to lone seagullsGo to the beachSee the outbackContrary to popular belief, do not say 'Chuck a shrimp on the Barbie'Have a BBQTry Fosters and VB (although no real Aussie would drink such crap)Learn to surf
And probably a shitload more to add to this list but I will keep updating.